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Dr Tracy Cross
Professor and Dean, College of Education & Human Development
University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Dr. Tracy L. Cross is Professor and Dean of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s College of Education & Human Development as well as a renowned scholar and leader in the field of gifted education. Dr Cross most recently served as executive director of the Center for Gifted Education at William & Mary, a public research university in Williamsburg, Va. Cross led the internationally recognized research and development center for the last 15 years.  The center, which is part of William & Mary’s School of Education, conducts research on gifted students and curriculum efficacy. It also provides services to educators, policy makers, graduate students, researchers and parents. The rigorous curriculum materials the center creates for high ability students are used in all 50 states and 30 foreign countries.

During a decades-long career in higher education, Cross’ many administrative achievements and areas of focus included the creation, coordination and leadership of research centers and institutes focused on a range of educational issues. While at Ball State University, Cross served as executive director of the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities, a public, state-supported residential high school. He also served as associate dean for Graduate Studies, Research, and Assessment for Ball State’s Teacher’s College. Cross has been conducting research into the psychology and education of students with gifts and talents since the early 1980s.

Cross’s academic contributions are extensive. In 2019, he was identified as the world’s most productive researcher in gifted education according to a study published in High Ability Studies. He has published over 300 articles, chapters and columns and authored or edited 14 books. His scholarly work includes over 400 conference presentations and the editing of eight journals, five of which are in the field of gifted studies.

His accolades include the Distinguished Service Award from both The Association for the Gifted of the Council for Exceptional Children and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Additionally, he has received the Early Leader, Early Scholar, and the Distinguished Scholar Awards from NAGC, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the MENSA Education and Research Foundation. In 2022, Cross was honored by the NAGC by being named a Legacy in the field of Gifted Education. This honor is awarded to individuals who have made a significant impact on gifted education through their practice, policy, scholarship, teaching, publications or service. Cross's contributions span all these areas, demonstrating his profound influence on the field. He was twice named a Fulbright Scholar.

Dr Cross holds several degrees from the University of Tennessee. Cross earned a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in educational psychology, an education specialist degree in educational psychology and guidance, and a Ph.D. in educational psychology.



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