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Dr Jenni Donohoo
Professional Learning Facilitator, Best Selling Author
Jenni Donohoo, PhD, is a three-time, best-selling author and professional learning facilitator with more than 20 years experience in leading school change. Jenni’s three books include: Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator’s Guide to School Improvement, The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry: Realizing Change in Schools and Classrooms (co-authored by Moses Velasco) and Collective Efficacy: How Educators’ Beliefs Impact Student Learning.
Jenni completed her doctorate in 2010. Her dissertation focused on fostering metacognition in adolescent students. In addition to her writing and consulting work, Jenni is on contract with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education. In this role she works alongside system and school leaders in order to improve the quality professional learning and collaboration in schools and districts. Jenni has also designed and taught Experienced Principals’ Courses for the Ontario Principals’ Council and Additional Qualification courses for the University of Windsor.
Transformative Mindframes: Empowering Educators for Future-Ready Classrooms
Together we will explore five essential mindframes that shape effective educational leadership and teaching practice. This presentation delves into how educators’ internal narratives and beliefs fundamentally drive their actions and impact on student learning. Through practical examples and contrasting scenarios, Dr. Donohoo illustrates how different mindframes can either limit or expand educational possibilities, especially in supporting Singapore's focus on holistic development and multiple educational pathways. The address particularly emphasizes the power of collective teacher efficacy, which has been shown to have three times more impact on student achievement than socio-economic status. It provides educators with practical tools for self-reflection and strategies to foster these powerful mindframes within their educational communities.
Participants will:
Distinguish between helpful and unhelpful mindframes through concrete examples
Evaluate their own current mindframes
Recognize how mindframes directly impact teaching strategies and student outcomes
Recognize their role as active change agents in the educational system
From Mindframes to Practice: A Deep Dive into Building Collective Teacher Efficacy
This interactive masterclass extends beyond theory to provide hands-on experience with implementing powerful mindframes in educational practice. Through structured activities, collaborative exercises, and guided reflection, participants will deeply explore how to cultivate and leverage mindframes that enhance collective teacher efficacy and student achievement. Working with real scenarios and their own contexts, educators will develop practical strategies for transforming mindframes from abstract concepts into daily practices that impact student learning. This session builds on the keynote address but is designed to be valuable for all educators interested in strengthening their impact through intentional mindframe development.
Participants will:
Analyze their current school culture through the lens of the five key mindframes, identifying specific strengths and areas for growth
Practice using protocols and tools for evaluating individual and collective impact on student learning
Create an action plan for implementing mindframe-based changes in their specific educational context
Develop language and approaches for addressing common challenges and resistance to mindframe shifts
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